Top 3 Benefits Of Live Music

Carmira Tessier
2 min readNov 2, 2020

What is it about live entertainment that changes us? I’m sure we’ve all had those days were driving home with the volume up, singing whatever song is playing word for word. As someone who frequently attends live music concerts as well as working at these events, I can personally say that it has changed my life for the better. The intoxicating environment of merchandise booths set up, lines full of fans guessing what the setlist is going to be. To the walk down those aisles to find your seat. To show time.

Here are my top 3 benefits of attending live music shows.

Reduce Stress: Whether it be 2 hours or more, by listening to live music you are able to escape and relieve any stress you may have. Jump, scream, and sing along as much as your heart desires

Meet New People: Meet people who share the same interest as you. By being surrounded by your fellow concert-goers, you might be surprised all the great people you will meet.

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CONNECT: Fans find solace in the band or artist they are listening to. Soak in their energy and allow yourself to feel every word, note, and sound they let out.

Music is a universal language that has the power to reach millions across the globe, bringing people together, and comforting those who need it. There is a sense of happiness that arises whenever we do it. Imagine hearing those songs live in concert. Enjoying the music surrounded by thousands of people who find the same happiness as you.

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Armstrong, Levi, et al. “22 Compelling Benefits of Going to Live Music Concerts.” Music Oomph, 2 Aug. 2020,

